If you relocate for a new job and it doesn’t feel right straight away, don’t panic. It’s not the end of the world. If you don’t know anyone, and if you’re still learning the ropes with a new employer, you might feel out of place. You might even want to up and leave. This is all based on a first impression so don’t fret – there is a bright side. You can overcome these obstacles because more often than not, they’re only temporary as you settle in.
The place
When moving to a new town, it takes time to settle in. It can be difficult initially, it takes time to get to know people and build up a community of friends. So if you’re considering a relocation, it’s important to take everything into consideration. For example, research the area’s population size, look at what the town has to offer and compare it to what you want and need in your life. If you have a partner or family, their wants and needs are important too. Look into schooling and clubs/groups for kids.
The role
Any new role needs time for you to find your feet. Your previous experiences will only directly translate across to a finite number of areas. Each dealer does things a little differently to the next, so you’ll need to allow yourself to learn. Differences can include franchises, DMS programs, systems and processes and reporting hierarchy. Factory expectations and KPIs are also different from dealer to dealer. Do your best and learn as much as you can as quickly as you can, but don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not settled right in after your first week and you still have to ask some questions. The first few weeks of a new role can be a stressful period, and this stress can also be confused for unhappiness in a new town. Give yourself time and be patient.
Giving yourself some time to get to know the town can be easier said than done. There’s always clubs and associations, so reach out to try to meet people like yourself. Once you’ve settled into a new role you’ll make some work mates, and before you know it you’ll have someone to have a beer on Friday afternoon with.