The first thing to know is that we have no upfront costs. Our fees are calculated only on success. Small fees exist for additional advertising, but this is optional. Most clients like us to advertise on their behalf, as some candidates prefer to apply to a consultancy. There are a few reasons for this. Most common being privacy concerns, or misconceptions about the business.
With over 26,000 registered candidates, we’ll have an experienced automotive candidate for you! Once our terms are accepted, we’ll commence our search and submit suitable candidates to you. Coordinating things moving forward also, at your discretion.
We can be as hands-on, or as hands-off as you like. Some clients like us to do everything, some prefer to do certain things themselves. That’s fine! We are here to work WITH you, not tell you how it has to be done.
If we find the right candidate for you, there is a one-off placement fee based on a percentage of their annual retainer, plus GST.
How our placement fee differs to other automotive recruiters:
Clients have used our fees as a benchmark against other agencies. Meaning if they do not offer terms like ours, they don’t work with them!
Our terms are accessed online, allowing you to review prior to acceptance. On acceptance a copy of the terms are sent to you for your records.
Thankfully, this does not arise very often. Sometimes the person chosen for the role may not end up being the best fit. It can happen, so having a clear understanding of what we will do to assist you is important.
Should the candidate leave, or be unsuitable, a replacement candidate will be provided. This is without additional cost to you, but doesn’t include advertising costs. Work will commence immediately to find a replacement, and we have the sole right of replacement for 30 days.
If we’re unable to find a suitable replacement, the placement fee will be held as a 100% offset against future roles.
This is just a brief overview of our fees and replacement policy. Attention must be had to our complete terms, to understand all obligations.
You probably keep an eye on your competitors, well we do too. We know what other automotive recruitment firms charge, as well as what they do and do not cover. Here are some important factors to consider about other automotive recruitment providers:
It pays to read the fine print and compare. One agencies automotive recruitment fees were 40% higher than ours. If you got a credit, it only applied for a set period, in one area and for the same role!