Tips for video interviews

These days, video interviews are more widely used and accepted than ever before. Jobs involving remote access and candidates willing to relocate contribute to the prevalence of video interviews. So, what happens when you’re asked to complete a video interview?

The interviewer can ask to conduct the interview via any video program they like. You might be asked to use FaceTime, Skype or Google Hangouts. The important thing is to be flexible. You need to accept and use the interview medium they suggest. If it means downloading a new program, so be it. Asking them to install a new program to suit you can give them the impression that they will need to adjust to work around you if they employ you. This won’t work in your favour. If they ask you which program you’d prefer to use, suggest something that is convenient and familiar to you.

Do a test run

Make sure you can test your video quality, sound quality and background. You want the interviewer to see you clearly with no distractions in the background and hear you clearly with no echo or interference. Make sure you are familiar with the program, and how to use the basic functions like mute and volume. Check the camera is clean and that your internet connection is strong. Lock the door to the room you are doing the interview in, and turn your other devices off or onto silent. If you have a habit of looking at the screen and not the webcam, stick a note next to your camera reminding you to “make eye contact.” Digitally, that is.

Dress appropriately

Just because you’re doing the interview at home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dress for a job interview. Here’s some tips on dressing for an interview. Dressing professionally can help get you in the right frame of mind for the interview. Do your research, and dress appropriately for the company culture. This includes the bottom half of your body. Even though you aren’t going to be seen below the waist, what if you need to stand up to adjust the camera settings? Don’t show the interviewer your pyjama pants.

Lastly, be mindful of the device you choose. If you are using a portable device like a smartphone or a tablet, set it up so that it is stable and won’t fall down. Don’t walk around with it, ever. Make it seem like you’re working from a desktop to the best of your ability. Video interviews should be treated just like a regular face-to-face interview. Be punctual, professional and personable. Read more tips here.

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